The Limits of Philosophy: Learning from Art and History
“The Limits of Philosophy: Learning from Art and History” in M. Oliva and S. J. Striby (eds.) Philosophy, Faith and Modernity (Proceedings of the American Philosophical Association, 2019).
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“The Limits of Philosophy: Learning from Art and History” in M. Oliva and S. J. Striby (eds.) Philosophy, Faith and Modernity (Proceedings of the American Philosophical Association, 2019).
“Experience and Transcendence” in F. O’Rourke (ed.) Ciphers of Transcendence: Essays in Philosophy of Religion in Honour of Patrick Masterson (Irish Academic Press, 2019).
“MacIntyre, Philosophy and the University,” in Ron Barnett & Amanda Fulford (eds), Philosophers on the University: Reconsidering Higher Education (Cham: Springer, 2019).
“Heythrop, Copleston and the Jesuit Contribution to Philosophy,” Philosophy, 2016, Reprinted in C. Casalini ed. Humanism, Philosophy and Education (Rome: Anica, 2019). There has been public outcry from philosophers and others at the prospect of […]
“Déjà vu all over again,” New Blackfriars, 100, 2019. The latest sex abuse scandal in the American Catholic Church involving Cardinal McCarrick is compared with that of 2002 in the archdiocese of Boston, and that […]
“Whither Moral Philosophy?” in Raymond Hain ed., Beyond the Self: Virtue Ethics and the Problem of Culture (Waco: Baylor University Press, 2019).
“Some Questions about Virtue,” in Elisa Grimi ed., Virtue Ethics: Retrospect and Prospect (New York: Springer, 2019). Abstract. So far as Anglophone academic study is concerned, interest in the idea of virtue as a central […]
“Responding to Discord,” in Virtues in the Public Sphere: Citizenship, Civic Friendship, and Duty (London: Routledge, 2019).
“Ethics, Aesthetics and Practical Philosophy,” Monist 101, 2018.
“Virtue Ethics in the Medieval Period,” in D. Carr, J. Arthur & K. Kristjansson eds. Varieties of Virtue Ethics (London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2017). The idea that virtue might be one of the central features of […]
“Evolution, Education and Wisdom,” in D. Davis ed. Educating for Wisdom in the 21st Century (South Bend, IN.: St Augustine Press, 2016).
“Anscombe and Geach on Mind and the Soul,” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 90, 2016. AbstractAnscombe and Geach were among the most interesting philosophers to have come out of Oxford in the twentieth century. Even before […]
“Students at the Heart of the University Education Enterprise,” in M. de Prado ed, Universities' Reputations (Pamplona: EUNSA, 2016).
“Philosophy, Causality and God,” in Library of Living Philosophers: The Philosophy of Hilary Putnam (Chicago: Open Court, 2015). Critical examination of ideas about philosophy, causality and God in the work of the American philosopher Hilary […]
“Media, Emergence and the Analogy of Art,” in J. Lloyd & J. Katz eds. Philosophy of Emerging Media (New York: Oxford University Press, 2015). A philosophical inquiry into the nature of information and communication media […]
“Five Pillars, Four Foundations, Three Dimensions, Two Perspectives, One Institution,” in J.R. Stoner & H. James eds. The Thriving Society (Princeton: Witherspoon, 2015). Between the scylla of utopia and the charybdis of despair, the authors […]
“Towards an Integrated Ethics of Pregnancy,” New Blackfriars, 95, 2014. The development of interest among academic philosophers in the aesthetics of everyday life is somewhat analogous to the broader development in moral philosophy of ‘applied’ […]
“Reasoning about the Human Good, and the Role of the Public Philosopher,” in R. George & J. Keown eds. Reason, Morality and Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013).
“The Future of the University: Philosophy, Education and the Catholic Tradition,” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 87, 2013. This essay situates issues of educational philosophy within a historical context, considering Confucius, Augustine, and Aquinas, while focusing […]
American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly Volume 87, Issue 3, Summer 2013 Abstract: The idea of the soul, though once common in discussions of human nature, is rarely considered in contemporary philosophy. This reflects a general physicalist […]
“Understanding the Human: The Necessity of Philosophy for Education and Research,” St Augustine Papers 14, 2013.
“Medieval Aesthetics,” in B. Gaut & D. McIver Lopes (eds) The Routledge Companion to Aesthetics (London: Routledge, 2013).
“Realism, Mind and Evolution,” Philosophical Investigations, 35, 2013. Abstract Perceptual experience is perspectival, and human minds occupy a variety of “viewpoints.” These considerations provide grounds for both realist and anti‐realist philosophies. Each is represented in […]
“Scientism and it Challenge to Humanism,” New Blackfriars, Vol. 93, No. 1048, 2012. Viewed from the perspective of the nineteenth century there is little in the details of contemporary political life that would seem special. […]
“Same-sex Marriage: a view from across the Atlantic,” Nova et Vetera, Vol. 10, No. 3, 2012, p. 649-656.
“Nature and Culture in Contemporary Sexual Life,” in L. Melina & S. Belardinelli (eds), Amare Nella Differenza. Cantagali, Sienna, pp. 53-63.
“Educational Studies and the Map of Philosophy,” British Journal of Educational Studies 60, 2012.
ANALYSIS 71 (4) October 2011 Abstract Causation by and of absences, omissions or privations, seems to be implied by common styles of description and explanation. Allowing that absences are actuality-dependent, one may yet maintain that […]
PHILOSOPHY 86 July 2011 Abstract One form of scepticism about the possibility of moral theory does not deny that there is something describable as ‘the conduct of life’, but it argues that there is no […]
“Is God Necessary for Morality?,” in Hayden Ramsay ed. Truth and Faith in Ethics (Exeter: ImprintAcademic, 2011), exchange with Raimond Gaita.
“Adam Smith, Theology and Natural Law,” in Paul Oslington ed., Adam Smith as Theologian (London: Routledge, 2011).
The Greek historian Herodotus recounts that the great Athenian statesman, legislator and poet, Solon arrived in Sardis the capital of Lydia where he was engaged in conversation by King Croesus. The subject of the exchange […]
ANALYSIS 68 (1) January 2008 Abstract Contemporary discussions of causality range over the relative merits of nominalist as against realist accounts, of conceptual as against empirical approaches, and of regularity, power-based and singularist understandings. What […]
ANALYSIS 67 (3) July 2007 Abstract Among the kinds of explanation given for the occurrence or non-occurrence of events and processes, the obtaining or non-obtaining of states and conditions, and the existence or non-existence of […]
“Human Beings: rational, reflexive and restless,” in S. Spiri & T. Valentini (eds) Prospettive per la filosofia (Rome: Editori Riuniti, 2010).
“The End of An Era,” in C. Kakzor ed. O Rare Ralph McInerny (Southbend: St Augustine Press, 2010).
“Page to Wall (Tremlett),” Art Book, 2010. The term ‘artist's book’ first acquired its current use in connection with artists working in the late 1960s who were looking for new ways of exploring ideas, often […]
“Kenny and Aquinas on the Metaphysics of Mind,” in J. Cottingham and P. Hacker eds, Mind, Method, and Morality (Oxford: OUP, 2010).
“Admiring High Mountains: Aesthetics of Environment,” Environmental Values, 3, 1994. Reprinted in T. Chapell ed. Environmental Aesthetics (Edinburgh: EUP, 1997). Reprinted in S. Johnson ed. Landscapes (Cambridge: White Horse Press, 2010). ABSTRACT: In recent years […]
“Art on its own Account (David Tremlett),” THE (Times Higher Education), 2010. John Haldane muses on artist David Tremlett's ability to take on a space and transform it into something living, in a compelling affirmation […]
“Duns Scotus, Quaestiones in quatuor libros Sententiarum and Quodlibeta, 1481,” in N. Reid ed. Treasures of St Andrews University Library (London: Third Millenium, 2010). St Andrews University Library has been a Copyright Deposit Library for […]
“Still Walking the Road to Meikle Seggy (Richard Demarco),” Art Book, 2010.
“Soul and Body,” in R. Pasnau ed., Cambridge Companion to Medieval Philosophy (Cambridge: CUP, 2010).