Is there anybody there?
“Is there anybody there?,” The Tablet. The rise of artificial intelligence and robotics raises fundamental questions about the nature of the human person, as a philosopher and member of Pontifical Academy for Life explains.
Respecting the Human Form
“Respecting the Human Form,” The Tablet (feature). The claims of a young Chinese researcher, He Jiankui, to have produced the first people born with edited genomes – twin baby girls – were met with alarm […]
“Interview,” The Guardian. By far the most insightful person on Australia’s Q&A program this week was the Catholic theologian and philosopher John Haldane. He took complicated and charged questions and tried to make sense of […]
“Interview,” The Times. Full page interview by Magnus Linklater : “Trump is like a bullying, second-hand car dealer … The Scottish academic John Haldane says the president-elect could be a big surprise”
Evil to Good to God: The Philosophical Intent of William Blatty
“Evil to Good to God: The Philosophical Intent of William Blatty,” Commonweal article. In 2005, William Blatty invited me to his home and said that as a philosopher I might be interested in his ideas […]
No Future for Christian Churches …
“No Future for Christian Churches …,” Herald (Glasgow). Commentary
MacIntyre against Morality
“MacIntyre against Morality,” First Things. Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity: An Essay on Desire, Practical Reasoning, and Narrative
Mills university address of 1867 has lessons for today
“Mills university address of 1867 has lessons for today,” The Times. Commentary
Interview with John Haldane: Culture creates the environment in which we live
“Interview with John Haldane: Culture creates the environment in which we live,” Filozofuj! Ilustrowany magazyn popularyzujący filozofię 2016, 5 (11). Culture, its significance, threats and ways to overcome them is devoted to an interview with […]
After MacIntyre
“After MacIntyre,” The Tablet. The character and achievements of the enigmatic Scottish philosopher
Bringing God back from the Dead
“Bringing God back from the Dead,” The Tablet. Eyebrows were raised when the prestigious Templeton Prize for progress in religion – previous winners included the Dalai Lama, Jean Vanier and Mother Teresa of Calcutta – […]
The Cleverist of Jesuits
“The Cleverist of Jesuits,” The Tablet. A Scottish philosopher recalls a period in which the Society of Jesus was at the heart of an English Catholic intellectual and cultural renaissance, and describes the singular contribution […]
Religion by another name
“Religion by another name,” The Critique. Bi-monthly online review of select news topics by academic philosophers … “At The Critique we believe that when used properly, the skills and knowledge of philosophers can make a […]
The US post-Trump: On the Road in Another America
“The US post-Trump: On the Road in Another America,” The Tablet (feature). As the US president-elect embarks on a ‘thank you’ tour of swing states, our correspondent takes a journey through some of the ‘forgotten’ […]
The End of Coercive Liberalism
“The End of Coercive Liberalism,” The Tablet (feature). Early polling analysis suggests that Donald Trump attracted the support of the majority of both Catholics and Protestants. Now, even those Christians who could not bear to […]
Differences in the notion of transgenderism
“Differences in the notion of transgenderism,” Plunkett Centre, St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney. A report on a talk given to clinical psychologists, psychiatrists and healthcare practitioners.
Practices such as no-platforming threaten to strangle the roots of freedom
“Practices such as no-platforming threaten to strangle the roots of freedom,” The Guardian (article). We must return to the roots of western liberalism if we’re to avoid becoming just a mass of unquestioning conformists.
Theology and Philosophy: Can they survive in the modern university?
“Theology and Philosophy: Can they survive in the modern university?,” ABC Religion and Ethics (Web article). Theology and Philosophy: Can they survive in the modern university?
A Tale of Two Cities—And of Two Churches
A discussion of the current state of both the Church of Scotland and the Catholic Church. Read A Tale of Two Cities—And of Two Churches. FIRST THINGS, October 2015
Why Scotland and Ireland Went Different Ways
Why Scotland and Ireland Went Different Ways FIRST THINGS: September 2014
Scottish referendum: how religion could help heal the nation’s rifts
“Scottish referendum: how religion could help heal the nation's rifts,” Daily Telegraph. A church service held tomorrow with the opposing leaders in the independence campaign reveals how religion could be key to healing Scottish divisions
A Tale of Two Thomases
“A Tale of Two Thomases,” First Things, December 2012.
Philosophy Lives
FIRST THINGS, January 2011 Philosophy Lives Why Stephen Hawking’s attempt to banish natural theology only shows why we need it. Read Philosophy Lives.
Scots thinkers who forged new democracy from the colonies
THE SCOTSMAN 10 April 2008 In an age in which abstract political ideas and ideals have been submerged by politics and political commentary, we have become used to thinking of the US President simply as […]
Reasons for thinking that an embryo is a human being
Letters to The Daily Telegraph 10 Jun 2006 Reasons for thinking that an embryo is a human being In the final extract from his book After Dolly, Ian Wilmut asks if the early human embryo […]
Visions of Mary
“Visions of Mary,” First Things (online – text of BBC radio essay), 2010.