Being a Christian Philosopher in Secular Academia
“Being a Christian Philosopher in Secular Academia,” Alphacrucis College, Parramatta Presentation and Round Table
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“Being a Christian Philosopher in Secular Academia,” Alphacrucis College, Parramatta Presentation and Round Table
“Curbing Violence,” Centre for Public Christianity, Sydney Interview
“The Inescapability of Philosophy for Teachers,” Scots College Seminar + Q&A
“Shaping Character,” Lang Walker Business Centre, Scots College, Sydney
“Does ethics need God,” Barney’s (St Barnabas, Broadway, Sydney)
“Why Teach Ethics in Schools?,” Federation of Australasian Philosophy in Schools Association, Fremantle Panel Q&A with public audience
“Threats to Freedom,” Territory FM (Darwin Australia) Radio Interview
“Ethics and Society,” ABC Canberra (Radio) Mornings with Genevieve Jacobs Interview
“Panel Discussion,” ABC The Drum (TV) Host Julia Baird with Verity Firth, Peter Martin and guest John Haldane. The panel discusses: Day three of George Pell’s testimony; Labor’s star recruit and Super Tuesday results.
“Free Thinking,” BBC Radio 3 Discussion on free thinking
“The Value of a Liberal Arts Education,” Campion College Annual Appeal
“What are the grounds of our Moral Values? (On stage Forum),” Nexus Institute Symposium Royal Opera House Amsterdam During the Nexus Conference Waiting for the Barbarians Leon Wieseltier, John Haldane, Michael Shermer, Azza El-Kholy, Robert […]
“Holding Fast in Stormy Waters,” The Dawson Society for Philosophy and Culture (Perth, Australia) Public talk
“Sex and the Academy,” Princeton University, Anscombe Society Open Forum
“Religious Freedom in Europe,” Religious Freedom Summit, Columbus School of Law, Washington DC.
“Interview,” BBC One Sunday Politics Scotland (TV) Interview
“Interview,” Institute for Ethics and Society ‘QndA’ On stage Public Interview
“Interview,” ABC The Interview: John Haldane (Radio) Andrew West Presenter of Radio National’s Religion and Ethics Report spoke to him about challenges to the moral authority of churches and other institutions; liberalism with judgement; the bane of […]
“Interview,” Cradio (radio interview) Professor John Haldane discusses the influence of religion on his life and work, and how he came to study the philosophy of St Thomas Aquinas. Professor Haldane also draws from different […]
“Interview,” BBC Radio Scotland Newsdrive Interview
“Interview,” BBC World Service Newshour Is Europe’s asylum system dysfunctional? UN envoy wants fair refugee quota; James Bond author; American detainee backs Iran deal.
“Interview,” KWBU (National Public Radio affiliate) Central Texas Leadership In this episode of the Central Texas Leadership Series: John Haldane, J. Newton Rayzor Sr. Distinguished Chair in Philosophy. Hosting the conversation is KWBU president Joe […]
“Interview,” The Australian Interview
“Values and beliefs,” BBC Radio Scotland Sunday Morning Discussion on values and beliefs
“Are Nuclear Weapons ever Justified?,” BBC One The Big Questions (TV). Nicky Campbell presents the moral, ethical and religious discussion series from Leith Academy, Edinburgh. He asks just one question: are nuclear weapons ever justified?
“The ethics of immigration,” BBC Radio Scotland Sunday Morning Discussion of the ethics of immigration
“Scotlands Future: Values,” BBC Radio Scotland Sunday Morning Two hours of music and conversation from a faith and ethical perspective.
“Art and morality,” BBC Radio Scotland Sunday Morning Discussion of art and morality
“The Philosophy of Solitude,” BBC Radio 4 In Our Time Melvyn Bragg and his guests discuss the philosophy of solitude, from religious hermits to those exiled from their homeland.
“John Haldane and Charles Taylor in Conversation,” U. of Notre Dame, IN, US. DeNicola Family Colloquoy: Understanding Persons This panel was presented as part of Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture’s fourteenth annual Fall […]
“Aquinas and the foundations of Ethics,” Institute of Ideas Academy. Plenary address
“World Have Your Say,” BBC World (Radio) The Pope and Climate ChangeShould the Pope speak out on climate change or stick to theology? Jeb Bush enters the race but why is US politics such a […]
“What makes a religion?,” BBC Radio 4 Sunday Programme discussion
“Philosophy of Emerging Media,” Boston University Experts’ Workshop Workshop
“Learning from Tradition,” Baylor University Symposium Higher Learning Closing Address
Topical discussion from around Scotland as members of the public question politicians and other prominent people on the news of the week. Listen to the Big Debate
In this (May 2010) programme from the BBC series In Our Time, Melvyn Bragg, John Haldane and other guests discuss ‘The Varieties of Religious Experience’ by William James. Listen to William James and the Varieties […]
Many of the most bitterly contested issues that Britain’s legislators have to deal with today involve a clash of ethical systems that cuts across traditional political boundaries. Listen to this BBC World Service discussion on […]
In this Australian Broadcasting Corporation programme (from July 2008) John Haldane talks with John Cleary about a range of issues on philosophy, faith and culture. Listen to ABC Second Hour.
In this (August 2007) episode from EWTN’s Sunday Night Live series John Haldane discusses the new atheists with Benedict Groeschel. Listen to The New Atheists.
Hugh LaFollette interviews John Haldane about his theistic beliefs. LaFollette’s program was titled, “Ideas and Issues,” and aired on WETS-FM. The interview took place on January 19th, 1997.