Home / Editing

  • St Andrews Studies in Philosophy and Public Affairs

    St Andrews Studies in Philosophy and Public Affairs

    St Andrews Studies in Philosophy and Public Affairs This series was founded in 2004 by John Haldane and is under his general editorship. The series includes monographs, collections of essays and occasional anthologies of source […]

  • Ethics, Society and Religion

    Ethics, Society and Religion

    Ethics, Society and Religion, Michael Dummett (Exeter: Imprint Academic, 2019).

  • Demarco, Philosophy and Art

    Demarco, Philosophy and Art

    Demarco, Philosophy and Art (Kingston: Kingston University, 2000). A set of essays to accompany the touring exhibition Richard Demarco 70/2000. Contributors John Haldane, Roger Scruton, Anthony O’Hear, Bryan Appleyard, George Pattison, Peter Serracino Inglott and […]

  • Philosophical Works of James Frederick Ferrier

    Philosophical Works of James Frederick Ferrier

    Philosophical Works of James Frederick Ferrier Philosophical Works of the late James Frederick Ferrier (ed.) A. Grant & E.L. Lushington (Bristol: Thoemmes, 2001) Three volumes. with new introduction by John Haldane. James Frederick Ferrier (1808-64) […]

  • Art, Morality and Human Nature: R.W. Beardsmore

    Art, Morality and Human Nature: R.W. Beardsmore

    “Art, Morality and Human Nature: R.W. Beardsmore,” St Andrews Studies in Philosophy and Public Affairs Vol. 20 (Exeter: Imprint Academic, 2017). Co-ed Ieuan Lloyd. This collection brings together the text of the monograph Art and […]

  • Elizabeth Anscombe

    Elizabeth Anscombe

    “Elizabeth Anscombe,” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 90, 2016. Abstract Introduction to Special Issue of the American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly on The Philosophy of Elizabeth Anscombe

  • The Moral Philosophy of Elizabeth Anscombe

    The Moral Philosophy of Elizabeth Anscombe

    The Moral Philosophy of Elizabeth Anscombe Elizabeth Anscombe’s 1958 essay ‘Modern Moral Philosophy’ contributed to the transformation of the subject from the late 1960s, reversing the trend to assume that there is no intrinsic connection […]

  • Logic, Truth and Meaning

    Logic, Truth and Meaning

    Logic, Truth and Meaning Writings by G.E.M. Anscombe The fourth and final volume of writings by Elizabeth Anscombe reprints her Introduction to Wittgenstein’s Tractatus, together with a number of later essays on thought and language […]

  • From Plato to Wittgenstein

    From Plato to Wittgenstein

    From Plato to Wittgenstein Essays by G.E.M. Anscombe More treasures from the archive of papers left by philosopher Elizabeth Anscombe, edited by her daughter and son-in-law, philosophers Mary Geach and Luke Gormally. This volume collects […]

  • Faith in a Hard Ground

    Faith in a Hard Ground

    Faith in a Hard Ground Essays on Religion, Philosophy and Ethics by G.E.M Anscombe Elizabeth Anscombe’s forthright philosophy speaks directly to many religious and ethical issues of current concern. This collection of her essays forms […]

  • Hume on Mind and Causality

    Hume on Mind and Causality

    Hume on Mind and Causality. A special issue of the Journal of Scottish Philosophy 5 (1), 2007. New essays by, and Adrian Bardon, Timothy Costelloe, Adrian Heathcote, Eric Schliesser, and Alan Schwerin, with edited text […]

  • Scottish Philosophy

    Scottish Philosophy

    Scottish Philosophy issue of The Monist 90 (2) 2007. New essays by James van Cleve, James Feiser, John Glassford, Gordon Graham, Jenny Keefe, Ryan Nichols, Daniel Robinson, Paul Russell, Margaret Schabas, Dabney Townsend, and Mark […]

  • Human Life, Action and Ethics

    Human Life, Action and Ethics

    Human Life, Action and Ethics Essays by G.E.M. Anscombe Presents a collection of essays by the celebrated philosopher Elizabeth Anscombe. This collection includes papers on human nature and practical philosophy, together with the classic ‘Modern […]

  • Values, Education and the Human World

    Values, Education and the Human World

    Edited volume of essays on aspects of educational theory and practice in relation to culture, politics, religion and science. Contributors include Anthony Quinton, Anthony O’Hear, Richard Pring, Mary Warnock, Jonathan Sacks, Stewart Sutherland, Mary Midgley, […]

  • Philosophy and its Public Role

    Philosophy and its Public Role

    Philosophy and its Public Role (2004) Co-edted with William Aiken, this volume presents new essays on topics ranging from the public responsibility of intellectuals to the justice of military tribunals, and from posthumous reproduction to […]

  • Modern Writings on Thomism

    Modern Writings on Thomism

    Modern Writings on Thomism (Bristol: Thoemmes/Continuum, 2003) A collection of five previously published but long out-of-print volumes on various aspects of Thomistic philosophy, presented with an introductory essay: R.P. Phillips, Modern Thomistic Philosophy, 2 Vols; […]

  • Spirituality, Philosophy and Education

    Spirituality, Philosophy and Education

    Spirituality, Philosophy and Education (London: RoutledgeFalmer, 2003) co-edited with David Carr New essays on the philosophy of spirituality and the implications of this for educational theory and practice. Contributors: J. Haldane, M. McGhee, J. Cottingham, […]

  • The Philosophy of Thomas Reid

    The Philosophy of Thomas Reid

    The Philosophy of Thomas Reid (Co-edited with Stephen Read) Thomas Reid was one of the greatest philosophers of the eighteenth century and a contemporary of Kant’s. This volume is part of a new wave of […]

  • Mind, Metaphysics and Value

    Mind, Metaphysics and Value

    Mind, Metaphysics and Value Contemporary western philosophy divides into three broad traditions: the analytical, the continental, and the historical. In the latter half of the twentieth century, analytical philosophy was dominant in the English-speaking world […]

  • Thomas Reid

    Thomas Reid

    Thomas Reid Special issue of the American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 74 (3) 2000. New essays on Reid and Scottish ‘Common Sense’ philosophy. Contributors: Ronald Beanblossom, Philip de Barry, C.A.J. Coady, Roger Gallie, John Haldane, Keith […]

  • Philosophy and Public Affairs

    Philosophy and Public Affairs

    Philosophy and Public Affairs (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000). New essays on philosophical and public policy issues. Contributors: Lord Alton, Bryan Appleyard, Sir Samuel Brittan, Gordon Graham, John Haldane, Russell Keat, Anthony O’Hear, Melanie Phillips, […]

  • Philosophy and Art

    Philosophy and Art

    Philosophy and Art, Kingston: University of Kingston, 2000.

  • Modern Painters in Scotland

    Modern Painters in Scotland

    Modern Painters in Scotland special issue of Modern Painters, 1999. New essays on aspects of visual art and architecture in Scotland. Contributors: Mark Baines, Neil Cameron, Douglas Dunn, Alec Finlay, Clare Henry, Magnus Linklater, John […]

  • Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy

    Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy

    Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy (London: Routledge, 1998). Subject Editor responsible for eighteenth century philosophers and movements – approximately 80 entries commissioned and edited.

  • Analytical Thomism

    Analytical Thomism

    Analytical Thomism Issue of the Monist, 80 (4) October 1997. Thomism has always had the potential to exchange methods and ideas with other philosophical traditions. In this century versions of transcendental and phenomenological Thomism have […]

  • Reality, Representation and Projection

    Reality, Representation and Projection

    Reality, Representation and Projection Co-edited with Crispin Wright. This book is an important collection of new essays on various topics relating to realism and its rivals in metaphysics, logic, metaethics, and epistemology. The contributors include […]

  • Philosophers and Philosophies

    Philosophers and Philosophies

    Philosophers and Philosophies Special Issue of The Philosophical Quarterly 43, October 1993. New essays on history of philosophy. Contributors: G.E.M. Anscombe, Jeffrey Coombs, Frederick Copleston, Richard Gaskin, Michael Gorman, D.P. Henry, Edward Khamara, Peter Millican, […]

  • James Frederick Ferrier

    James Frederick Ferrier

    James Frederick Ferrier By Elizabeth Haldane Reprint of 1899 publication with new introduction by John Haldane

  • Logical Necessity and Other Essays by I.G. McFetridge

    Logical Necessity and Other Essays by I.G. McFetridge

    Logical Necessity and Other Essays by Ian McFetridge (London: Aristotelian Society, 1990) Co-edited with Roger Scruton.

  • Mind, Causation and Action

    Mind, Causation and Action

    Mind, Causation and Action (Oxford: Blackwell, 1986) Co-edited with Roger Squires and Leslie Stevenson. New essays in philosophy of mind. Contributors: Simon Blackburn, Malcolm Budd, John Campbell, William Charlton, George Graham, Tomis Kapitan, Graham and […]